
[Whitepaper] Why 2020 has raised the bar on business accountability and how a lack of it could see your company's fortunes unravel | Robobai

Written by Admin | 24/11/2020 5:00:00 AM

Amid a backdrop of global uncertainty, and a mounting focus on ESG, one corporate commandment has become increasingly indisputable: investing in ethical procurement is not only a feel-good opportunity, but it can also mitigate critical business risk.

For those in the corporate world 2020 has whipped up the perfect storm. Not only is most of the globe in the grips of recession, but the pandemic that led us here has generated some formidable challenges. Set against a backdrop of growing economic, social and environmental instability, the art of doing business has rarely felt more fragile.

But even businesses with the resolve and resources to overcome these obstacles are not in the clear. Amid increasing pressure for transparency in both private and public sectors, and a sharper-than-ever focus on ESG issues, it’s not only your business that’s at stake; it’s your job. In the last year alone numerous high-profile business leaders have been pushed out owing to perceived company misconduct, from the CEOs of Westpac and Australia Post, to directors at Wells Fargo, and plenty more beyond.

Robobai’s whitepaper explores these issues in detail, and steps you can take to protect your organisation.

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